The Great Outdoors
10% off Daily Walk or Activity Session

your pet loves going for walks, chasing balls, or
just has extra energy to burn, consider this package.
Every day, your pet will take a hike on our 4.5
acre grounds or they can
spend 30 stimulating minutes exercising and playing
ball or frisbee one-on-one with a staff member and
get 10% off.
Lap Dog’s Dream
10% off Daily
Extra TLC Time
Does your pet want extra attention and affection
from their human companion? If so, the Lap Dog’s
Dream is for them! Get 10% off when you treat your
pet to 30 minutes of extra one-on-one cuddling each
day, or a relaxing 15 minute brushing each day!
10% off Any Combination of Daily Activities

pet will be glad you chose a special activity for
them each day of their vacation. Get 10% off when
you choose a daily activity from the following:
Activity Sessions, Field Trips, 15 Minute Brushing,
or Extra TLC.